28 years of TEG system design & consulting, TEG Modules 10C to 300C, 300C to 550C, 600 to 850C, in stock selection of thermoelectric power modules,  Thermoelectric wood stove generators, Off grid Generators, Body scavenging design expertise, wearable power design, IoT power scavenger, Oil and gas thermoelectric Generators, parts, Dc to Dc converter custom designed for TEG systems, 5V, 12V, 24VDc to Dc charge converters with PLC functionality, custom components, etc…

Near Future

Tecteg Mfr. working with Jason Stewart “The Firemaster” and his clean burning wood stove adapter patented invention in New Zealand and with Derald Cook owner of intensofuergo in Chile who also is working with our group which developed a turn key clean burning wood stove adapter system to make older stoves not only more efficient but clean burning, the future design will option a thermoelectric power generator, with hot water and distributed heating and produce roughly 100 watts. CHP for short. The adapter will produce more heat from the same amount of wood thereby reducing annual wood consumption.


Intensifire with Borosilicate Glass Tube.